Corporate Governance

Codes and Policies

With this Code of Ethics, we seek to strengthen relationship with our business partners, suppliers, and contractors in order to grow together based on comprehensive and responsible value chain management.
To make it, we have established conduct and values guidelines, as well as responsible business practices that we expect our suppliers and contractors to ensure for their businesses development and relationships with other companies or institutions.

Also, we require that our suppliers and contractors extend this code or similar ethics and conduct standards to their own supply chain and comply not only with us, but in all their business relationships.

The Investment Policy defines the alignment to manage the investment projects portfolio of the firm, detailing each of the steps and the controls required to achieve successful projects aligned to the firm strategy.

The Inventory Policy is focused on the stock management and control considering the following areas:

1) Operating Control

2) Financial Control

The Purchase of goods and services policy defines the criteria and action frame for the purchase of goods and services locally and abroad, standardizes the principles and concepts related with purchases, and makes explicit the commitment with the suppliers.

Purchase of goods and services should be agile, timely, efficient and with clear rules that ensure competitiveness, while respecting the ethics, transparency, impartiality, responsibility, equality and economic criteria.

The Fixed Assets Policy defines the criteria for an adequate control in order to ensure integrity, existence, property and appraisal of fixed assets.

This document details each of the steps and the required controls, based on IFRS, with the purpose of being a referential regulatory framework for the recognition of the initial and final costs in the Financial Statements.

Through this Policy, Aceros Arequipa Corporation formalizes its internal control and integral risk management system, supported by guidelines, tools and methodologies that generate reasonable security for the Board of Directors and Senior Management in meeting corporate objectives and in prioritizing and mitigating risks to which the company is exposed, allowing it to operate according to its risk appetite.

We identify and manage strategic risk, operational and financial, information and reporting, and compliance and ethics. We evaluate the impact, its levels of criticality and we additionally apply the analysis of simulations and stress tests to some risks, aligned with our risk appetite and tolerance.

Risk management is supported and monitored annually by the Strategic Management Control Department, prioritizing the supervision of critical risks, that is, with High and Considerable levels of criticality. And in line with its independent role, it reports compliance with risk management to Senior Management and the Board of Directors.

On the other hand, risk management is audited by the Internal Audit Management every two years, reporting the results of the evaluation directly to the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC), a body made up of members of the Board of Directors.

Human management Policy aims to attract and develop professional talent within the firm, based on respectful and fair relations that promote favorable working environment for an integral growth of the personnel, with the goal of having qualified and committed employees that are aligned with the corporate strategy.

Credits and Payments Policy regulates credit sales based on the credit risk strategy and the client’s goodwill towards the firm, to contribute with the firm’s revenue growth

Occupational Safety and Health Policy has the following criteria:

1. Employees are the firm’s most important Asset.

2. All accidents and illnesses can and must be avoided.

3. Safety and health are responsibility of Senior Management, and is primary above production, productivity and costs.

4. All management levels are responsible for the occupational safety and health performance.

5. The commitment and education of employees in health and safety topics are crucial for the organization.

6. Safety is an essential condition during work, and safety and health should be integrated in all the process and areas of the firm and the decision making process.

7. Excellence in safety and health contributes to excellency in corporate results.

The goal of Corporate Information Policy is define the criteria for the identification, classification and management of the information created in the diverse business processes, and the disclosure of information to shareholders, investors, relevant third parties and market, aiming to guarantee that the information is upright, timely, adequate and truthful.

This policy sets out the guidelines under which Aceros América Colombia must execute the efficient self-management and control of risks associated with Money Laundering (ML), Financing of Terrorism (FT), Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (FPAMD), Transnational Bribery and Corruption, as well as their source crimes, establishing a management style that guarantees excellence, integrity, transparency, that complies with the legal basis and with good corporate governance and sustainability practices.

Shareholders Meeting

Call for Shareholders Meeting
Informational document (procedure for admission)
Annex 1: Statement of Responsibility
Annex 2: Power of attorney template
Supplementary information

Stock Representatives

Ricardo Guzmán Valenzuela
Stock Exchange Representative
Belisario Galarcep Mesones
Alternate Stock Market Representative

Our Organization

Note: Shareholders with a participation greater than 4% are detailed.

Name Nationality Identification Document Start Date % Participation Series
Baertl Montori, Jose Antonio Perú DNI - 07896899 22/01/2025 5.23 Common
Cilloniz Champin, Renee Perú DNI - 07274993 08/08/2019 15.94 Common
Cilloniz Rey, Andrea Perú DNI - 40111259 20/12/2018 8.50 Common
Cilloniz Rey, Ricardo Perú DNI - 10318263 20/12/2018 8.53 Common
Olesa Investment Corp. Bahamas 20/12/2018 10.96 Common
Servicios De Asesoría S.A. Perú RUC - 20454531036 20/12/2018 5.47 Common
Grenview Investment Inc. Panama 28/02/2025 5.39 Common

Information updated at the end of February 2025


Chairman of the Executive Board

Executive Director

  • Gender: Male
  • Date of birth: 17/10/1949

A civil engineer by profession, he holds a master's degree in business administration from Michigan State University. He has held the post of managing director of Corporación Aceros Arequipa S.A. since March 1988 and on the 1st January 2007 he was appointed executive president. He is a director of several companies, including Compañía Eléctrica el Platanal S.A. (Celepsa). He was a director of Rímac Seguros y Reaseguros from 1979 to 2023.


Vice President

Non-executive Director

  • Gender: Male
  • Date of birth: 20/05/1947

Business administrator by profession, with additional education in Marketing at Kellogg, Six Sigma accreditation, PAD Good Corporate Governance program.

He served as manager for Latin America of the North American companies STP Corporation and First Brands Corporation, and was vice president for Latin America of the company Honeywell International.

Currently, he is President of Plásticos Nacionales SA and Director of Businesses Mancoche SA. He is a member of Board of Directors of Corporación Aceros Arequipa since March 13, 1998.


Non-executive Director

  • Gender: Male
  • Date of birth: 28/11/1951

He is a business administrator, a degree he obtained from the University of Hamburg, Germany.

He is also a Master Brewer, graduated in Ulm, Germany. He has completed a Program for Management Development at Harvard Business School and a PAD at the University of Piura. He holds the position of Executive President and General Manager of Corporación Cervesur S.A.A. and is also Chairman of the Board of the various companies that make up Corporación Cervesur (Alprosa, Creditex, Futuro Inmobiliario Camacho S.A., Futuro Invest S.A., Proagro, Servicios Aéreos AQP S.A., Servicios de Asesoría S.A., Texgroup, Transaltisa). Additionally, he is Chairman of the Board of Ferreycorp S.A.A., Ferreyros S.A., Euromotors, Altos Andes, Euro Camiones, Euroinmuebles, International Camiones del Perú S.A., Inversiones Sabancaya S.A.C., and Renting. He is also a director of CFI Holdings S.A; former president and director of the Sociedad Nacional de Industrias; and a director of Comex-Perú, where he is also a member of the Executive Committee.

He has served as the chairman of the board of Alianza, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, and Alianza Vida, Seguros y Reaseguros (Bolivia); La Positiva, Seguros y Reaseguros; La Positiva Vida, Seguros y Reaseguros; La Positiva Entidad Prestadora de Salud- EPS; and Profuturo AFP. He has presided over the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Arequipa and was the pro-tempore president of the Business Council of the Pacific Alliance; he was also a director of the Bank of the South, director and general manager of Cía. Cervecera del Sur del Perú, as well as president of the Association of AFP; a member of the Executive Committee of the National Society of Industries; the Board of Directors of Tecsup; and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Peruvian-German. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of Corporación Aceros Arequipa since March 24, 2010.


Non-executive Director

  • Gender: Male
  • Date of birth: 15/11/1971

By profession an Industrial Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, with an MBA from Cornell University and a Master's Degree in International Business from the Thunderbird School of Global Management.

He is a Director of Inmobiliaria Comercial del Acero Argentina S.A. and Inmobiliaria Comercial del Acero Cajamarquilla S.A. He is a member of Corporación Aceros Arequipa Board of Directors since March 28, 2016, having worked in the Company in the commercial area since 1997, serving in his last executive position as Export Manager until March 2016. Additionally, he served as Director of Comercial del Acero SA, Comfer SA and the Peruvian Chamber of Construction (CAPECO).


Non-executive Director

  • Gender: Male
  • Date of birth: 14/10/1969

Agronomist by profession. He studied at the California Polytechnic State University and took the PAD at the University of Piura.

Founder and Director of Fundo San Fernando SA and Agrícola la Joya SAC, member of the Corporación Aceros Arequipa Board of Directors since December 22, 2011 and Director of Rethink Peru SAC since April 2019.


Non-executive Director

  • Gender: Female
  • Date of birth: 06/12/1946

With studies in commerce, with more than 17 years of experience in the steel products market.

She works as CEO of Renemar SA. She is a director of Tradi SA and a member of the Corporación Aceros Arequipa Board of Directors since July 22, 2005


Non-Executive Independent Director

  • Gender: Male
  • Date of birth: 01/09/1964

Lawyer graduated from the University of Lima and MBA from Harvard Business School.

Currently, he is Executive Vice President at Altozano Desarrollo y Construcción.

He has been Chairman of the Board of Citileasing Peru and member of the boards of Citibank Peru, ICBC Peru, Compañía Minera Poderosa, Calcios del Sur and Cipensa Explosivos, among others. He has held executive positions at Chase Manhattan Bank as Vice President of Investment Banking in New York and Mexico. Likewise, he was Executive Director of Citibank for Corporate Banking in Peru and manager of the Citibank School of Banking in the State of Florida, in the United States of America. He has been a member of the Corporación Aceros Arequipa Board of Directors since March 23, 2017


Non-executive Director

  • Gender: Male
  • Date of birth: 21/09/1942

Lawyer by profession from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.

He has experience in the field of legal advice to companies of national and international prestige. He was a member of Estudio Romero Abogados for many years, of which he became one of the four main partners, personally advising, among others, important national and foreign clients, such as: Banco de Crédito del Perú, Compañía de Seguros Rímac, BASF Perú, Marriot Peru, TEXACO, Atacocha Mining Company, Milne, Transcosta, Occidental Petroleum, GSI, Johnson and Johnson, Basic Chemical Industries, Braniff, Eastern, Anglo American Clinic, Eternit, among others. Likewise, he has experience in managing arbitration processes. He has been a member of the Corporación Aceros Arequipa Board of Directors since March 13, 1998.


Non-executive Director

  • Gender: Male
  • Date of birth: 28/03/1960


Mr Peschiera holds a BSc in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MBA from Stanford University. He is a business consultant and director, as well as an entrepreneur and investor. He has been and is a director of several companies in the industrial, construction, commerce, services, agricultural, agribusiness, agro-industrial and real estate sectors. He has been chairman of the board of Redondos S.A. and a director of COSAPI S.A. He is chairman of the board of Consorcio Industrias de Arequipa S.A.  He is a director of Tradi S.A., Agroindustrias del Pacífico S.A., Define Consultoría S.A., Define Servicios S.A.C., Define Holding S.A.C., San Felipe S.A., Ubicua Offices Peru S.A., Los Granados S.A. Real Estate., Inmobiliaria Comercial del Acero Argentina S.A. and Inmobiliaria Comercial del Acero Cajamarquilla S.A.  He is a member of the Investment Committee of the HMC Capital High Yield Peru F2 fund and of the investment committee of the HMC Deuda Privada Andina fund. He has been a director of Corporación Aceros Arequipa since the 28th of February 2008.


Non-Executive Independent Director

  • Gender: Female
  • Date of birth: 18/02/1967

Mrs Ferrand graduated in business administration from the Universidad del Pacifico with honours and won the "Robert Maes" and "Maes Heller" prizes; she further specialised in: "Programme XVIII for Company Directors" (PBS/EY); "The Fundamentals of Corporate Governance", "Financial Keys for Directors" and "Strategy, Transformation and Innovation from the board of directors"; "Global Trends in Business Strategies Board Programme" (McDonough School of Business - Georgetown University/PBS/EY); and the circular economy: Transition to a Sustainable Future (MIT Professional Education). She taught financial mathematics at the Universidad del Pacífico. Early in her career she worked at Atlantic Security Bank and Deter Peru S.A. (Procter & Gamble). Subsequently, she developed business ventures in the agricultural, commercial, bakery and restaurant sectors. In addition to her position as director of Corporación Aceros Arequipa S.A., which she has held since the 25th of April 2019, she has served as a manager and member of the board of directors of other unlisted companies.


Non-executive Director

  • Gender: Male
  • Date of birth: 28/11/1971

Lawyer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.

He is the main partner of Estudio Ponce Canessa Abogados with experience in the field of legal advice to companies.

He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Euromotors Group, and Director of various companies such as San Bartolomé SA, Minera Colquisiri SA, Freno SA, Vari SAC, Agrícola Chapi SA, Sum Vehículos SA and Orué 230. Current Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Automotive Association of Peru. He has been a member of the Corporación Aceros Arequipa Board of Directors since April 26, 2022.



Non-executive Director

  • Gender: Male
  • Date of birth: 05/01/1954

Holds a degree in business administration from the University of Hamburg, Germany. He is also a master brewer, who graduated at Ulm, Germany. He studied the Programme for Management Development at Harvard Business School and the PAD at the University of Piura. 

He is the executive president and general manager of Corporación Cervesur SAA; As well as chairman of the board of directors of the various companies that make up Corporación Cervesur (Alprosa, Creditex, Futuro Inmobiliario Camacho S.A., Futuro Invest S.A., Proagro, Servicios Aéreos AQP S.A., Servicios de Asesoría S.A., Texgroup, Transaltisa). He is also chairman of the board of Ferreycorp S.A.A., Ferreyros S.A., Euromotors, Altos Andes, Euro Camiones, Euroinmuebles, International Camiones del Perú S.A., Inversiones Sabancaya S.A.C. and Renting, as well as being a director of CFI Holdings S.A., and a former president and director of the National Manufacturing Society. He is also a director and member of the executive committee of Comex-Peru.  He was formerly chairman of the board of Alianza, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, and Alianza Vida, Seguros y Reaseguros (Bolivia); La Positiva, Seguros y Reaseguros; La Positiva Vida, Seguros y Reaseguros; La Positiva Entidad Prestadora de Salud- EPS, and Profuturo AFP. He has chaired the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Arequipa and has been president protempore of the Business Council of the Pacific Alliance. He was also a director of Banco del Sur, as well as director and general manager of Cía. Cervecera del Sur del Peru, president of Asociación de AFP (provate pension funds association) and member of the executive committee of the National Manufacturing Society, the managing council of Tecsup of the German-Peruvian Chamber of Trade and Industry. He has been a member of the board of directors of Corporación Aceros Arequipa since the 24th March 2010.


Audit and Risk Committee

(Board Committee)

The purpose of this Committee is to assist the Board of Directors of Corporación Aceros Arequipa S.A. in compliance with its oversight responsibilities for the process of issuing Financial Statements, the internal control system, the audit process, and the process of Corporación Aceros Arequipa S.A. and its subsidiaries to monitor compliance with laws and regulations, internal regulations, corporate policies, the Code of Ethics and the Code Against Acts of Fraud and Corruption.

The Committee has specialists in accounting, financial, auditing, compliance, corporate governance and risk management issues, and has the authority to conduct or authorize investigations and internal or external audits of any matter within its scope of responsibility. This Committee is composed of four (04) members of the Board of Directors:

  • Andreas von Wedemeyer Knigge
  • Manuel Montori Burbank
  • Ricardo Bustamante Cilloniz
  • Pedro Blay Hidalgo

The Internal Audit Manager acts as secretary of the Committee. The General Manager or another manager that the Committee considers should participate, attend the Committee with voice but no vote. The Chairman of the Board Directors may participate in the Committee at his discretion.

The Committee has an annual continuous training program in order to maintain sufficient knowledge of the company, as well as its corporate governance rules. The annual continuous training program focuses on the following areas: (i) knowledge of the entities that make up the business group; (ii) knowledge of regulatory developments that may affect the activity of the company or the work of the Audit and Risk Committee, (iii) technical knowledge in accounting and financial matters, and; (iv) knowledge of comprehensive risk management practices and internal control models.

In order to maintain and strengthen the internal control system of the Company and guide the ethical behavior of employees towards the achievement of business objectives, the Audit and Risk Committee promotes, with the General Management, the definition, implementation , updating and compliance with business management guidelines included in the Corporate Policies and Codes; these guidelines define criteria and establish a framework for action that guides the business management of all employees in ethical and specific aspects of operations; and. once approved by the Board of Directors, they become non-negotiable behavior guidelines and mandatory compliance.


Appointments, Remuneration and Human Resources Committee

(Board Committee)

The main purpose of the Appointments, Remuneration and Human Resources Committee is to ensure that the human management in the executive level of the Company aligns with corporate guidelines and modern practices in Human Development. Additionally, it is responsible for maintaining a compensation system within the organization. The committee holds meetings at least four times per year and is composed of four (4) members of the Board:

  • Mr. Fernando Carbajal Ferrand, as the Chairman of the Committee.
  • Mrs. Giselle Ferrand Rubini, member.
  • Mr. Enrique Olazábal Bracesco, member.
  • Mr. Jordan Ponce Gambirazio, member.

The Executive Chairman, the CEO, and the Human Resources Manager attend the committee meetings with voice but without voting rights. The Human Resources Manager also serves as the Technical Secretary of the Committee.

The Appointments, Remuneration, and Human Resources Committee has been promoting the performance of managerial levels by setting and monitoring objectives and goals for each functional area. It also periodically reviews the salary and organizational structure, adapting them to the ongoing changes within the company.


Ethics Committee

The Committee is an advisory body about the concerns of employees or third parties regarding events or circumstances that may affect business ethics.

The main functions of the Ethics Committee are:

  • Supervise compliance with the Code of Ethics.
  • Present periodic management reports to the General Management and the Audit and Risk Committee of the Board of Directors, including all the cases that the Ethics Committee reviewed and the actions taken regarding the results.
  • Serve as a consultative body regarding concerns of collaborators or third parties regarding events or circumstances that may affect business ethics.
  • Analyze and settle disputes regarding eventual conflicts of interest reported by employees to the company in compliance with the provisions of the code of ethics.
  • Analyze each of the complaints that are formulated through the Aceros Arequipa Ethics Line or other means, considering the Protocol for Follow-up and Response to Ethical Complaints that has been defined in CAASA.
  • Suggest specialized research to the General Management on identified complex cases.
  • Present results of internal or external investigations to the General Management, with the knowledge of the Human Resources Management, so that, based on the facts identified in the investigations, the corresponding disciplinary actions are taken, in accordance with the Internal Work Regulations. and current legal regulations.
  • Call the property security area to review the summary of events registered monthly in the company and the actions implemented.
  • Monitor compliance with the permanent communication and internalization strategy of the Code of Ethics and Code against acts of fraud and corruption.

The Committee has two types of meetings:

  1. Ordinary meetings, bimonthly
  2. Extraordinary Meetings, depending on the relevance of the issues to be reviewed

The Committee is composed of five (5) members of management:

  • Strategic Management Control Manager, and Prevention Manager, as president of the committee.
  • Internal Audit Manager, as secretary
  • Administration and Finance Manager, member
  • Human Resources Manager, member
  • Legal Affairs Manager, member

The General Manager can participate in the meetings called by the Committee, and will have the casting vote when there is no majority in the decisions of the committee. The Internal Audit Manager participates with voice, but no vote.

In case ethical situations that involve management members, or members of the Ethics Committee, these cases will be scaled for attention to the Audit and Risk Committee of the Board Directors.


Ricardo Cillóniz Champín


A a civil engineer by profession, he holds a master's degree in business administration from Michigan State University. He has held the post of managing director of Corporación Aceros Arequipa S.A. since March 1988 and on the 1st January 2007 he was appointed executive president. He is a director of several companies, including Compañía Eléctrica el Platanal S.A. (Celepsa). He was a director of Rímac Seguros y Reaseguros from 1979 to 2023.

Tulio Silgado Consiglieri


Mr Silgado qualified as an agronomist at the Universidad Nacional Agraria and has studied at the Kellogg School of Management, among other institutions; he has held the position of general manager since January 2015. Previously he was director and general manager at Cerámica San Lorenzo from 1994 to 2015.  Mr Silgado was also a director of Cerámicas Cordillera Chile and Cerámica San Lorenzo Colombia. He served as sales manager for Central America and the Caribbean of ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries), general manager of ICI Dominicana and Agrochemicals manager of ICI Peru from 1987 to 1994.  He is currently a director of the companies Fundo Buenos Aires Quilmana S.A.C., Fábrica Peruana Eternit and Tecnofil.

Augusto Cornejo Cañedo

Chief Production Officer

An electrical mechanical engineer by profession, with a Master's degree in Administration, with a mention in business management, and a doctorate in Business Sciences from San Luis Gonzaga University in Ica, he has held the position of central production manager since January 2016. Previously, he served as manager of Rolling and Finishing Plants and rolling superintendent.

Mariana Talavera Rubina

Supply Chain Manager

Qualified as a business management engineer at Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Mrs Talavera has held the position of supply chain manager since June 2018. Before that she held local management positions in the procurement and supply chain departments in Kimberly Clark, Intralot del Peru and ABInbev, as well as serving as regional purchasing manager at Kimberly Clark.

Diego Arróspide Benavides

Strategic Procurements Manager

An industrial engineer who graduated from the Universidad de Lima, he holds a master's degree in operations management from UPC.  He has held the position of strategic procurement manager since July 2017. Previously he held management positions in purchasing and logistics in companies such as Engie Energía Perú, Peruana de Combustibles, BBVA Continental and British American Tobacco.

Ricardo Guzmán Valenzuela


A business administrator by profession, having specialised in finance at The University of Texas at Austin, he holds an MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.  He has been corporate finance manager of Corporación Aceros Arequipa S.A. since July 2011 and has held the position of Administration and finance manager since April 2017.  Previously, he was executive director of Corporate and Investment Banking at BBVA and head of mergers and acquisitions for Peru. Before that he worked in corporate finance for several financial institutions.

Gonzalo Arróspide Del Busto

Commercial Manager

A business administrator by profession, with postgraduate degrees from ESAN and North Western University USA, Mr Arrospide has held the position of commercial manager since December 1998. He previously worked at Cerámica Lima S.A., as commercial manager.

Juan Manuel Otoya Wherrems

Human Resources Manager

Graduated as an attorney from Pontificia Universidad Católica, he holds an MBA from Maastricht School of Management and studied specialist courses in human resources management at ESAN, senior management at ESADE and executive coaching at INCAE, he has held the position of human resources manager since August 2020. Previously he was human resources manager at Unique, a member of Yanbal International, human resources director at Grupo Codere in Peru, Colombia and Argentina, and human resources manager at Orus S.A., part of Grupo Romero.

Fernando Bustamante Cillóniz

Strategic Management Control Manager

A mechanical engineer by profession, he graduated from Boston University and holds an MBA from the University of Piura. He has held the position of strategic management control manager since 2010.  Previously, he served as internal consultant, head of merchant bar marketing, corporate TQM coordinator and head of PCI and inputs warehouse.  He is also currently a director of Fundo San Fernando.

Ricardo Cillóniz Rey

Projects and Mining Manager

An industrial engineer, he graduated from Universidad de Lima and holds an MBA from Kellogg School of Management and a master's degree in engineering from McCormick School of Engineering.  He has held the position of manager of projects, mining, social responsibility and innovation since November 2010.  From 2005 to 2010 he was consultancy manager at Bain and Company - United Kingdom.  He has also held positions at Deutsche Bank - London and South Pacific Business Development. Currently, he is also a director of Agroindustrias AIB S.A. and Consorcio Industrial de Arequipa S.A.

Rafael Cáceres Gallegos

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

An electronic engineer by profession, Mr Caceres has held the position of IT manager since September 1999. Before that he served as manager of @Phone S.A.  Until 1998, he worked as operations manager of Americatel Peru S.A.

Humberto Barragán Herrera

Internal Audit Manager

Mr Barragan is a certified public accountant who graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru - PUCP.  He has a postgraduate degree in internal auditing, management control and quality management from Universidad de Lima, as well as a postgraduate qualification in finance and international accounting standards from ESAN.  Formerly external financial auditor at KPMG, internal auditor at Aliaxis Latin America (a group manufacturing tubes, fittings, plastic valves and related products for residential, commercial and industrial construction), based in Costa Rica; internal auditor in the highway construction company in Peru of Ecuador's Grupo H&H and internal auditor of Empresas de Transporte de Energía Eléctrica en Peru, part of the Colombian Grupo Empresarial ISA. He was a part-time tutor at the PUCP's Faculty of Accounting Sciences.  He has been internal audit manager since December 2013.

Mariana Olivares Maldonado

Legal Affairs Manager

Graduated as an attorney from the Universidad de Lima she also studied at the Institute for US LAW of George Washington University. She has held the position of general counsel since June 2023. Previously she worked as legal and corporate affairs director at Sodexo Peru, general manager of the Asociacion Sodexo por el Desarrollo Sostenible and was an associate at law firm Munizlaw.